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History Riddle
May 27, 2005

Dear Friends:

Here is another of my riddles.

Who am I?

In 1780, during the Revolutionary War, I led an expedition over the Smoky Mountains and helped defeat the British at Kings Mountain. In 1784, I became the only governor of the only state that no longer exists in these new United States of America. We named our state after one of our country's founding fathers. (Hint: His first name started with a "B"). I was charged with High Treason, a capital offense, for being governor. I escaped from the courthouse during my trial by jumping out of the second story window onto a waiting horse and riding into the mountains.

I received a Presidential pardon for my "offense" and was elected to the North Carolina Senate. I then served in the federal Congress on behalf of North Carolina. I later became the Governor of Tennessee (a few years before your Sam Houston) and served in that capacity for six terms. I later returned to the United States Congress as a Senator from Tennessee. Today, my statue stands in the Hall of Statues in the United States Capital building. (near Sam Houston's).

Who am I, and what was the name of my "missing" state?

Note: Even if you don't know the answer, a few google searches will furnish it for you.
Just follow the clues!

Judge Paul Enlow

"The arithmetic tells the story. The Democrats won the battle over who gets to shape the federal judiciary. In both tone and substance of their rhetoric, the Democrats believe they won, and who can argue with them? The Republican leadership is subdued, as befits a losers' locker room. The Republicans will pay dearly for the events of Monday night, when seven Democratic and seven Republican senators took over the leadership of the Senate, for a long time to come. Since the Republicans occupy the White House and command what ought to be a solid Senate majority of 55 members, this should have been no contest. But for the sixth and seventh Republican defections, the GOP would have had a rare, even historic, opportunity under the Constitution to nominate and approve, in up-or-down votes, highly qualified judges for the nation's highest courts. Because John McCain, John Warner, Lincoln Chafee, Lindsey Graham, Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe and Mike DeWine abandoned their leaders in the Senate and snubbed the president, that historic opportunity was lost." --The Washington Times


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